Acrobat + mod_deflate (gzip)

You may get an error like this from Acrobat/Reader when you try to open a PDF in your browser: Adobe Reader could not open ‘A9R3.tmp’ because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn’t correctly decoded). On […]

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Bipolar Disorder Sounds Like Histadelia and Histapenia to Me

Histadelia is when there is too much histamine in your body; histapenia when there is too little. Having too much or too little histamine in your body can cause hyperactivity and depression, just like bipolar disorder. Read more about this here: On  this web site  you can order these  supplements but they are a […]

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SugarCRM Campaign Woes

This problem with sending campaign e-mails was driving me nuts for a while. E-mails would get in the outgoing queue, then get marked as being processed, but they would never actually get sent. It was as if it crashed before sending the e-mail. I turned up logging by editing but nothing jumped out at […]

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PuTTY + Debian + Home/End

By default, the home and end keys do not work if you SSH using PuTTY to a Debian box. Here’s the easiest work-around I’ve found. In PuTTY set the  Terminal-type string under Connection > Data to “linux” instead of “xterm”. This also makes dark colors much brighter, which is great for editing files with comments; […]

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RMI over HTTP via CGI

I saw quite a few posts about people looking for the source code for the class RMIHttpToCGISocketFactory for varying different reasons. A favorite request is to change the path to the CGI script it requests which is by default: /cgi-bin/java-rmi.cgi. Anyway, it’s available from the openjdk project. You have to sign up for a free […]

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