Converting From SugarCRM to SalesForce

I recently had to complete a migration from SugarCRM to SalesForce and I wanted to share some of my experience here in hopes that you’ll find it useful. These instructions are pretty technical. If you have trouble understanding them then you’re not the right person for the task. Find someone that has experience working with […]

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Acrobat + mod_deflate (gzip)

You may get an error like this from Acrobat/Reader when you try to open a PDF in your browser: Adobe Reader could not open ‘A9R3.tmp’ because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn’t correctly decoded). On […]

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SugarCRM Campaign Woes

This problem with sending campaign e-mails was driving me nuts for a while. E-mails would get in the outgoing queue, then get marked as being processed, but they would never actually get sent. It was as if it crashed before sending the e-mail. I turned up logging by editing but nothing jumped out at […]

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